Monday, 18 April 2011

Complaint----Something "Not Right"

Sunday was a lovely sunny day---S and I went to The Park, where I was to meet somebody at a specific time---Whilst I have made a complaint to the relevant person, I do not feel quite right about it---Hard to believe really, given my Track Record of Honesty and relationship with this person----One would have thought my type would be welcome at meetings and told about same, given my humble but prominent input and observation---The receiver said he had received detailed background info that I sent on Sun, but I get the impression that he has not---I had been on to e635 at 1032 and 1126 and 1219 for 009 and 257 and 107   I believe I received incorrect hot under the collar info   Which leads me to feel as though I am going to be abandoned, at a later stage---One gets the feeling of Imminent Detachment---Its strange when a person who normally loves info seems to be happy to have no record of having been informed---I have requested verification---Listened to some great Music later and decided to get a Second Dog---I do not feel safe and I do not feel protected---Not sure now but leaving more specifics with London
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